JSON formatter | pretty JSON viewer online


JSON formatter online is a free online tool to view JSON data prettily. it’s also called pretty JSON Viewer. It parses JSON data from raw JSON string


What is JSON

The full form of JSON is JavaScript Object Notation. JSON is a simple data format technique to send data from server to server or server to webpage. It’s mostly used for storing and transporting data.

Json syntax rules with examples

  1. Data names are enclosed in quotation marks, which can be enclosed in single quotation marks (‘) or double quotation marks (“”).
  2. Data and values ​​are separated with a colon (:).
  3. Data is separated by comma (,).
  4. The data set is placed between the 2nd braces {}.
  5. The data between the 3rd bracket [] is kept in array form.
  6. String values ​​of data are enclosed in quotations and number/float values ​​are enclosed without quotations.

Simple JSON example

Here is an JSON example of 3 students records. This tree/node view has ganated by json formatter  
   students: [
         name: "Rahimul",
         age: 12,
         roll: 11
         name: "Kamal",
         age: 11,
         roll: 2
         name: "Munna",
         age: 13,
         roll: 17

Hope the information was helpful to you. Thank you for staying with us. To learn more about JSON stringify and parse you can follow the Tutorial.
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